

12月→2月 武漢 医療現場 混乱(長文)



以下、Google翻訳(English in the second half)



当時、一部の医療スタッフでさえ、新しい冠状肺炎の伝染性については知りませんでした。 Youfu病院の精神病棟の医師は、12月中旬に病院が南シナ海鮮市場の近くに肺炎の症例があるという効果よりも優れていると指示されていたが、それは非定型肺炎ではなく、人から人への感染は見られなかったことを明らかにしました。
2020年2月1日の15日間の入院後、太陽は輝いており、湖北省の黄港中央病院の医師である黄H翔は退院しようとしていました。 彼は体重を減らし、入浴し、服を着替え、マスクを着用し、地域のタクシーに連絡し、義理の母の空いている部屋に住んでいた。


2月12日、多くの感染した医療スタッフと同様に、検疫を終了したHuang Huxiangは病院に戻り、同僚との新しい冠状肺炎の患者の治療に再投資しました。


2月14日、国家衛生保健委員会の副局長であるZeng Yixinは記者会見で、2月11日の24:00時点で、合計1,716人の医療従事者が国内で感染症と診断されたと報告され、そのうち6人が不運にも死亡したことを明らかにしました。


医療感染はどのように発生しますか? これらを振り返ってみると、初期の「無防備な」患者の急増と、アウトブレイク後の比較的不十分な保護と人材により、互いに原因と結果が生じ、一緒に悲劇をもたらしました。




昨年12月12日、シーフードマーケットのベンダーがクリニックに来ましたが、体調が悪く、高熱が出ていました。 「部長はいくつかの言葉を話し、彼は次の5つの病院または中央病院に行くことを提案した」と、ヨウフ病院で4年間働いた看護師のワン・ルーは語った。

養府病院は精神医学専門の二次病院です。 王呂は、Peng Mei Newsに、シーフードマーケットが近いため、商人は病院の駐車場に降ろすのが好きだと言いました。市場のヘビは病院に来ました。商人に熱があれば、彼らは最初に病院に来ます。 それは簡単です、ただそれを数字と呼ぶだけで、あなたは整列する必要さえありません。」

Youfu病院の外来医師Lu Yangは、その期間中に病院は「インフルエンザのような」患者を次々に入院させ、医師も話し合っていると語った。 「これらの患者は不快感や胸部圧迫感がありません。発熱と咳の症状です。」医師はCTを推奨し、胸部X線写真を撮影しますが、多くの患者は一度にCTを行うことを望みません。

当時、一部の医療スタッフでさえ、新しい冠状肺炎の伝染性については知りませんでした。 Youfu病院の精神病棟の医師は、12月中旬に病院が南シナ海鮮市場の近くに肺炎の症例があるという効果よりも優れていると指示されていたが、それは非定型肺炎ではなく、人から人への感染は見られなかったことを明らかにしました。

12月31日の武漢市保健委員会の回覧は、この点を再び強調した。 報告書によると、中国南部のシーフード市に関連する症例検索と遡及的調査が市内の医療および保健機関で行われ、27症例が発見され、そのうち7症例は深刻な状態であり、残りの症例は安定して管理可能であり、2症例は近い将来改善する見込みです。 退院。 これまでの調査では、明らかな人から人への感染は認められておらず、医療スタッフの感染も認められていません。

この日は大E日、王呂は仕事を休んでおり、計画によると、彼女は中国南部のシーフードマーケットで鍋の材料と材料を購入する予定です。 彼女の考えを振り返ると、彼女は午前中に院長が「病院で疑わしい症例が現れた」と述べたことを思い出し、彼女の同僚はWeChatグループでWang Luが心配して最終的に早く帰宅したと説得した。

ウイルスが静かに広がるとは誰も予想していませんでした。 短時間で患者が流入したが、対応する病院の保護は半拍遅れた。


「当初、彼らはすべてマスクを着用したクラスIの保護でした。」胡盛は1月中旬までに問題が深刻になり、病院はすぐに保護のレベルを上げたとPeng Mei Newsに語った。


1月17日、発熱と咳を伴う多数の患者がYoufu病院に現れ、CT結果は異常な結果を示した。 「当時、私たちはすべて普通の医療用マスクを使用していました」と王呂は言いました。 ホットクリニックを持たないこの二次病院では、保護レベルは少し遅れて維持されています。


病院の外科医Yi Lixinはこの症例に精通していた。「当時は核酸検査はなく、CTは侵食性であった。3-4日で急速に進行し、臨床症状が現れ、非常に典型的であった。」 「しかし、報告後、核酸検査がなかったため、上司はこのケースに同意しませんでした。」

Lu Yangは、記者団にYoufu Hospitalが以前に核酸検査を申請したが、カードは非常に堅く、検査試薬は入手できなかったと述べた。病院での核酸検査により確認された患者の最初のバッチは1月23日の朝まで結果を得なかった。

Yi Lixinは、幸いなことに病院は迅速に対応し、17日に隔離病棟が設置され、中国の新年会はこの日に停止されたと述べました。 Yang陽の記憶では、17日の午後、医師たちは新しい建物の検疫病棟に物資を移し、18日に滅菌し、患者はその日の午後に入院しました。


「呼吸器科(隔離病棟)に入ったとき、すでに隔離服を着ていました。そのときゴーグルがありました。私たちと病院はそれを持ち込み、病院はすぐに(保護)材料を持ち込みました」とLu Yangは回想します。

当時、新しい王冠を調査するために上層部が提案した基準の1つは、南中国のシーフード市場との接触の歴史でした。 しかし、Lu Yangは、被曝歴のない一部の患者にもCTの問題があることを発見した。 彼らは「最初に切って後で遊ぶ」ことを決め、これらの患者を隔離病棟に入院させました。

Yi Lixinは、それ以来、Youfu病院での感染の総数は約50であると明らかにしました。新しい症例はなく、ゆっくりと回復しています。



18日頃、中央病院の痛み科の部長であるCai Yiは、新しい冠状肺炎の疑いのある患者を受け入れました。 彼が不思議に思ったのは、最初は何の症状もなかったが、痛みだけで、CTを服用した後、何かがおかしいことに気づいたということです。 カイ・イーは、当時、誰もが流行状況を理解しておらず、医療スタッフがマスクを着用していなかったことを思い出しました。

「この患者は科の看護師に感染しましたが、看護師はまだ病院にいます。」とLi Yenliang博士の声の後、私たちは当初それはうわさだと思いました、そして何人かの指導者はそれを言いました。 そのような患者は、そうではないことを知る前に、すぐにそれを報告すべきです(噂)。

Li Wenliang自身は、「ウイルス性肺炎」の患者を受け取った後、咳と発熱の症状を発症し、1月12日に入院しました。

患者が増え、スタッフが不足していたため、翌日、カイイーは部門を閉鎖し、11人の医師全員が最前線にいました。 「潮」は、多くの患者が現れたとき、Cai Yiが考えた最初の言葉でした。「この2日間で、30人の患者が一度にいっぱいになりました。」


「流行の初期段階では、「最前線」という概念はありませんでした。病院(部門別)は通常どおり機能し、誰も保護しませんでした。マスクは自分で準備しました。」17日に感染を確認した別の中央病院医師Yin Wenxiang レポーター分析。

これは、初期の頃、救急部門と呼吸器部門以外のいくつかの一般部門が医学的感染の最も深刻な被害地域になった理由を説明しています。 「それは本当に感染力を過小評価していました。」武漢第一病院の医師であるLin Ziningは、ウイルスが「陰険」であることも知りました。

呼吸器感染症に精通していない林ing寧も、普通の人々と同様に、新しいクラウンウイルスが中国南部のシーフード市場に登場したことをニュースで知りました。 クラブは通常のマスクで2層を着用し、外科用マスクは17時と18時頃から着用します。

Lin Ziningは、最初の病院では一般部門の医療スタッフの感染率が発熱クリニックの感染率よりも高いと記者が急増したことを指摘しました。彼女はこれは発熱のために治療を求めなかった多くの患者が原因であると考えています。 ただ下痢ではないことを発見するためだけに。」

武漢大学中南病院が医学雑誌「JAMA」で発表したレトロスペクティブ研究では、1月1日から1月28日までに、病院で確認された138人の患者のうち41%(57)が院内感染を持ち、そのうち29%(40 人)医療スタッフ用。 感染した医療スタッフのうち、一般部門の医療スタッフは31人で、77.5%を占めています。


1月22日に、Lin Ziningは27日に診断されて入院するまで咳を続けました。 彼女が考えることができる感染源は、以前に診察を受けた患者であり、Lin Ziningは彼を聴診し、近くにいる必要がありました。 当時、普通の部署には防護服とゴーグルがなく、彼女の「装備」はマスク、帽子、手袋、ガウンだけでした。


Lin Ziningと同様に、同済病院のXinfa地区の心臓血管医であるZhou Ningは偶発的に感染しました。

1月17日、心原性ショックの症状がある患者が診療所に来ました。当時の肺炎の流行を考慮して、周寧は習慣的に南中国のシーフード市場で発熱と暴露歴があるかどうかを尋ねました。 患者は非常に非難されている。彼は通常の体温で咳をせずに病院に入院したため、マスクと帽子を毎日保護する以外は保護レベルを上げなかった。

1月19日、手術は無事に完了しました。21日の病院で、患者は突然看護師に入院前に発熱したことを伝え、12月初旬に南シナ海鮮市場にも行きました。「恐らく、彼はシェフであり、しばしば南シナ海鮮市場の食べ物を扱っています。 生きている鳥や野生動物が出てきました」と、周寧は後に思い出した。

当時、武漢での流行は広がり、周寧は神経質になり、患者への曝露の歴史と曝露のリスクについて考え始めました。18日の術前の会話中にマスクを着用していましたが、安全な距離1メートルを維持しませんでした。 寧はかつて彼の仮面を外し、敬意を表して話をするために彼と手を振った。

突然、周寧は罪悪感を覚え、すぐに部署の同僚に体温を監視して保護を強化するよう伝えました。 1月21日、周寧は夜勤を辞め、発熱、吐き気、下痢、めまいの症状を呈し、翌日、血液検査とCTの結果は非常に疑わしく、自宅で孤立し始めました。

新しい冠状肺炎の患者の初期症状の曖昧さは、さまざまな部門の医師を驚かせました。1月20日まで、国家保健医療委員会の高レベル専門家グループのリーダーであるZhong Nanshanは、 医療スタッフによる感染。



1月29日に、ニューイングランドジャーナルオブメディシンは、中国CDC、湖北CDCおよびその他の部門の担当者が作成した研究レポートを発行しました。 このレポートは、2020年1月23日現在、中国疾病管理予防センターに報告された425症例のネオコロナウイルス感染を分析し、1月1日より前に発生した確認症例には医療スタッフがいないこと、1月1日から11日まで 1月から1月にかけて、医療関係者が確認された患者の3%を占め、1月12日以降、割合は7%に増加しました。

2月14日現在、中国赤十字財団のByte Beat Medical Workers Humanitarian Relief Fundの資金リストで発表された多数の278人の感染した医療関係者が18日後に感染と診断され、2月5日以降に確認された患者の数 ダウン。



278人の感染した医師と看護師、病院の分布;データソース:中国赤十字財団Byte Beat Medical Workers Humanitarian Relief Fund Funding List(2月14日現在)地図作成:Lan Zeqi

1月24日の大ve日に、周寧は症状が疑われて4日目に登場しました。10年間の仕事と勉強のために両親と中国の大Year日の夕食をしていなかったため、周寧は二重のマスクを着用しました。 ダイニングテーブルに座って、1メートルの安全な距離を保ち、大きなテーブルを「見て」、箸は動かなかった。




家に帰ってダンスをして、今日救助した患者を伝えたり、論文を発表したり、トロフィーを獲得したり、賞賛を受けたり、泣き叫んだり、患者から送られた土の卵に戻ったりするたびに、彼らの顔 花にはいつも笑顔があります。



老人が私たちを理解することは期待できません。 同済病院の医師として、私たちがやらなければならない仕事は、単に少数の患者を診察し、少数の手術を行うだけではありません。 今回の流行と同じように、嵐に見舞われる病院として、同済は流行の安定、軍隊の鎮静の旗艦、そして戦闘指揮の前post基地となっています。






しかし、武漢独自の感染症保護リソースは限られていました。 武漢中央病院の南京路区にあるクリティカルケア医学部で11年近く働いてきた看護師のチュチェンは、これが一部の指定病院が患者を受け入れられない理由であると分析しています。 病院と肺病院、および他の病院の一時的に改造された病棟は、標準に達していない可能性があります。」

1月24日の大ve日の夕方、彼のジュンは1週間紡績を続け、1日2〜3時間眠り、1日で最大350〜370人の外来患者がいます。 病棟の外のソファーに横たわって、彼は声が大きくなり、急病のニュースに何日も心配していました:病院で、彼は重病患者を担架と車椅子で隔離病棟に運びました。特別なエレベーターはありませんでした。 。

呼吸器感染病棟の設定は、「3つのゾーンと2つのチャネル」、つまり、清潔なエリア、緩衝ゾーン、および汚染されたエリアを医師と患者から分離する2つのチャネルの原則に従います。緊急時には、これらの境界は明確ではなく、病院でのクロス感染を暴露します。 隠れた危険。

武漢の第3層漢方病院の救急部看護師であるWu Yueも24日のSurging Newsのインタビューで、彼女の救急部には対応する隔離状態がなかったと述べた。暗い圧力の患者が集まり、「疑わしい患者は自由に歩いていた。 「当時、部門の保護は手術用ガウンのみであり、その数は限られており、救助を提供した医療スタッフのみが着用できました。



1月23日、湖北省中医薬病院、武漢ユニオンメディカルカレッジ病院、武漢大学中央南病院、武漢中央病院、武漢第1病院、武漢第3病院を含む8つの病院が、N95マスクの寄付を社会に呼びかける発表を続けて行いました。 防護服およびその他の備品。

「保存して、もっと保存して、30分は30分着ることができます...」ヘッドナースは彼にジュンを促した。 He Junが4時間以内に防護服の交換期限を考慮することは困難です。一般に、防護服はより緊急に必要な医療に割り当てられます。「患者への看護師の注入、密接な接触はより危険です。患者に挿管する医師もいます。 「患者が分泌物を吐き出すのを防ぐために、最初につけてください」と彼は言った。

翌日、彼は家に帰って入浴し、すべての衣服が乾いたら、火で焼いた「ウイルスは熱を恐れている」彼はトイレから出てすぐに2枚の錠剤を飲んだ。 眠れませんが、彼は眠らなければなりません、そうでなければ彼の免疫力は保証されません。

流行は拡大しており、病院のスタッフはing迫しており、医療スタッフはしばしば過負荷になっています。 1月5日、黄港中央病院の医師である黄虎翔は呼吸器科で最初の発熱患者を受け入れ、1月15日頃、中央病院は指定病院に指定され、患者数は毎日増加しました。

Huang Huxiangは、その期間中に、感染した患者と誤って接触する可能性のある多くの患者がしばしば残業し、その免疫力も低下すると考えました。 Huang Huxiangが感染する前に、部門の24人の医療スタッフのうち2人の看護師と1人の医師が感染しました。


1月上旬には、インフルエンザと心臓および脳の病気の発生率が高かった。 1月6日、50代の深刻な患者が病院に来て、郭Qは緊急救助に参加しました。 翌週、彼女は後に新しい冠状肺炎と診断された4人または5人の患者と接触しました。 その時、彼女は1日10時間働いており、非常に疲れを感じて4〜5時間しか眠ることができませんでした。

郭Qは、中南病院で最初に感染した医療スタッフになりました。 入院の最初の夜である1月13日、郭Qは一晩中起きました。 私の耳には、ベビーカーが歩き回る音、監視装置の音、そして急いでいる看護師の足音が聞こえます。

武漢大学中南病院クリティカルケア医学部長のPeng Zhiyongは、郭surの感染後、病院は防護対策を重視し始めたと語った。「その後、各病院の医療スタッフは非常に用心深くなりました。 従業員は食事中も背中合わせになっており、互いに1メートルまたは2メートル離れています。」



印象では、林Ziningは彼女が最初の病院の最初の落ちた医療のバッチであり、彼女の同僚が彼女の前に感染したことだけ知っていた。 Lin Ziningは、20日に発熱クリニックを設立した後、武漢第一病院は発熱クリニックと発熱病棟に防護服とゴーグルを配布したことを想起しました。「基本的に保証されていますが、他の部門は遅れないかもしれません。」

1月27日の診断と入院以来、彼女の状態は繰り返されてきましたが、多くの場合、彼女は自分のことを考えていません。 「私の最前線の同僚を毎日見るのはとても難しい」とリン・ジニングは語った。彼女は今では毎日マスクを着用している。医療スタッフが入ってくる限り、彼女は食べてもマスクを着用しなければならない。 。


23日の材料不足の最初の発表後、武漢第一病院は再び1月26日と2月10日に支援を求めました。 最近、注射のために来た看護師は、仕様に合わないマスクを着用し、リン・ザイニングは尋ねたところ、「ああ、毎日変わります。」楽観的で落ち着いて、リン・ザイニングを動かしました。

彼女は死に近づいていることに一度だけ気づきました。 ある朝の午前5時頃、彼女は体調不良、酸素不足、つまずき、眠りについたが、ベッドの向こうの重病患者が臨床的に死亡したとは聞いていなかった。 Lin Ziningは彼の顔を見ず、葬儀場が彼を迎えに来るまでニュースを知らなかった。


He Junのパートナーは、部門設立の初日に痛みと発熱を経験し、痛みと発熱に苦しんでいました。彼は新冠状肺炎と診断され、一部の患者は死亡し、ベッドを「作り上げました」。

1か月間、彼の病院の保護用品は不足したままでした。 2月の初めに、部門の防護服は使い果たされ、医療スタッフは青いガウンを着用して集中治療室にしか入ることができませんでした。


2月16日、急増したニュースが呉越を訪れ、彼女も新しいクラウン肺炎と診断され、2月初旬に入院しました。 「CTの前、肺のすりガラスはまだ上昇していた」とウー・ユエはサージニュースに語った。

彼女は14日間ホルモン治療を行いました。「足の裏のつま先と足首が痛くなり、夜少し動いて汗をかきました。朝に着替えて擦りました。息が止まりませんでした。 酸素、あなたが来ることができる前に長い間横になります。」


当時、武漢中央病院の残りの備品は無数であり、医療は産業用N95マスクの上に手術用マスクを追加することしかできませんでした。 「手術用マスクは防水性で、液体の飛散に耐性があります。工業用N95は油性粒子とヘイズのみを防ぐことができます」と中央病院の物質接触担当医師である黄uangは述べました。

「医療用N95マスクはごくわずかです。1日に200枚または300枚のマスクを送って、4,000枚が必要です。なぜ十分なのですか。毎日2300セットの防護服を送る必要があります。10日間のボリュームが必要なので、少なくとも20,000セットの防護服を準備する必要があります。 40,000枚のマスクを準備する必要があります。「黄Leは2月11日にSurging Newsに「最近電話があった」と非難しました。また、人々から寄付を受け取っていますが、消費が多すぎて、適格資産の量そのものです。 高くない、それは間違いなく十分ではありません。」


武漢省中央病院が取得した資材ニーズのリストは、防護用品の毎日の消費から、2280枚の医療用防護服、4560枚のN95マスク、4560枚の使い捨てガウン、2280枚の医療用保護ブーツを示しています。 ダブル、2280保護スクリーン。

2月17日、中央病院のマテリアルリエゾンを担当する医師である胡小松氏は、記者団に対し、マテリアルの状況が多少改善され、政府からの寄付や個人からの寄付が増えていると語った。「しかし、N95マスクはまだ不足しています。 保証できます。」

過去1か月間に、中央病院の少なくとも150人のスタッフが新しい冠状肺炎に感染していると診断または疑われており、インタビューした中央病院の2人の医師がこの数字をSurging Newsに確認しました。

「H湖病院地区は19〜21階にあります。各階の病棟の半分は病院のスタッフです。病棟の各半分には47のベッドがあり、軽度の入院患者を除きます。」新しいクラウンウイルスに感染した別の中央病院。 Houhu病院のYin Wen医師はSurging Newsに語った。

いくつかの中央病院の医師は、眼科、心臓胸部外科、泌尿器科の3人の医師が、1人が人工呼吸器で、2人がECMO(人工肺)で生活していることを確認しました。 ICUの看護師であるZhu Chengは、最年長の同僚が派遣されることを期待していませんでした。

医療スタッフによる感染は、人材不足をさらに悪化させました。カイ・イーは、「彼女は感染していません。彼女の下の人々に感染しています。実際、咳をしてきましたが、彼女の肺は感染していないので、彼女はまだ苦しんでいます」 」



陳翔は、上海中山病院の感覚科の医師です。 病院の感覚は、病院で発生する感染を効果的に制御することです。 流行における医学的感染により、無視されていた病院感覚の問題が表面化したため、今回は武漢の医療チームに専門の病院感覚医師が加わりました。

平日、病院の感覚部での仕事のほとんどは、長期入院による交差感染を防ぐことです。医療スタッフの観点から、病院の感覚部は、患者を看護する際の医師と看護師の接触防止と無菌操作に注意を払います。 病院の感染症は確認された感染患者に囲まれています」と、Chen XiangはSurging Newsに語りました。


メンバーのほとんどは若く、2003年にSARSを経験しておらず、感染予防と管理の経験がほとんどありません。医師や看護師の中には、1層のマスクでは十分ではないと感じているため、2層を着用しています。 動く空気の漏れは、白を着ることに相当します。「医療従事者は保護服の外でゴーグルを着用します。」ゴーグルを外した後、保護服を外すと目が保護されません。

Chen Xiangは、感染予防と制御は完全な手順であると説明しました。武漢に到着した後、彼女はホテルや通勤バスに住む医療スタッフの保護に最初に投資しました。感知手段には、消毒、人との接触の回避などがあります。

武漢大学人民病院の東病院に到着した後、彼女は地元のハードウェア条件の遅れも目撃しました。多くの普通の病棟が一時的に設置され、完全に密閉することはできません。理論的には、清潔なエリアから汚染されたエリアまで2つの別々のエリアがあります。 緩衝地帯ですが、病院には1つしかありません。誰かが防護服を着たり脱いだりすると、出入りする人がいます。


Chen Xiangは、最も独創的な方法からのみ改善されました。ドアとドアの間の隙間をテープで留め、緩衝ゾーンに入る前にノックするように頼みます...

実際には困難もあります。 汚染された地域では、長時間の作業、防護服の着用、呼吸は退屈であり、体力が強すぎ、一部の医療スタッフは急いで離陸します。実際の作業では、通常は単独で離陸し、お互いを監視し監視する方法はありません。 安全性を確保するには、よりリスクの高いリンクを慎重に詳細に記述する必要があります。

陳翔は一時的に家具店に行き、医師と看護師がゆっくりと鏡を操作できるように、緩衝地帯にフルサイズの鏡を購入しました。また病院は、監督と協力するために院長と専門の感覚看護師を手配しました。 Chen Xiangは、感染制御は細部のあらゆるリスクを制御すること、つまり「空と空気を管理する」ことにあることを知っており、病院のような仕事のように冗談を言っています。 一般に、エリア、手術用マスク、作業着が必要です。」

医療チームは病棟を引き継ぐために物資の一部を取り、物資の不足を緩和しましたが、それはまだ必要でした。 陳翔は毎日、医療スタッフからさまざまな基準の防護服を受け取ります。彼女はそれらを1つずつ確認します。テストレポートの確認に加えて、梱包が破損していないか、使用期限が切れているかどうかも確認する必要があります。


彼女にとって、「特にこの呼吸器感染症の場合、少しの漏れが感染する可能性がある」前に、多数の医療スタッフの感染源を特定することは困難です。これにより、チェン・シャンは不快に感じます。 それは私にとって悲痛なことです、それはすべての私たちの同志であり、私たちは彼らの一人になるかもしれません。」

2003年のSARSの流行を振り返ると、流行の初期段階では医療スタッフの感染がより頻繁に発生していました。 2003年3月15日にSARSの疑いのある患者を受け入れた後、北京大学付属人民病院は93の医学的感染症まで厳密な管理措置を講じませんでした。 唐山病院では、治療とケアに関わる1,383人の医療スタッフはいずれも感染していません。


今日、Chen Xiangは、医療チームのメンバーが長時間働いた後に徐々に麻痺することを最も恐れており、一部の詳細は緩いものになります。 彼女は毎日グループにメッセージを送信し、感覚制御の主要なポイントを伝え、体温を測定し、不快な医療スタッフに時間内に報告することを思い出させ、最初に休みます。



2月1日、周寧は治癒し、2月9日まで隔離され、同済病院の広谷区に戻りました。 周寧は、後期に病院の保護対策が強化され、医学的感染の数が徐々に減少したと述べた。

中国疾病管理予防センターの新しいコロナウイルス肺炎緊急対応メカニズムの疫学グループが中国疫学誌に発表した最新の研究は、2月11日現在、422の医療機関が新しい冠動脈肺炎の患者に診断と治療サービスを提供していることを示しています 合計で、3019人の医療スタッフが新しいコロナウイルスに感染しました。 その中で、武漢の新しい冠状肺炎に感染した医療スタッフの重病の割合は、1月1日から10日までの期間の最大38.9%から2月上旬に12.7%に徐々に減少しました。

国家保健医療管理局の副部長であるJiao Yahuiは、インタビューで、CDCが医療スタッフ向けに公開した感染データは、直接報告システムからのものであり、感染症例の身元と感染したかどうかのみを表示するものであると説明しました。 上記の3,000人を超える人々のうち、一部の医療スタッフは病院および職場で新しいクラウン肺炎ウイルスに感染しており、一部の医療スタッフは自宅または地域で新しいクラウン肺炎ウイルスに感染している可能性があります。

病院の保護が強化されると同時に、強化も強化されています。 1月24日から2月15日の大ve日から、全国のあらゆるレベルの病院が武漢を支援するために合計203の医療チームと25,424の医療チームメンバーを派遣しました。

2003年にSARSで臨床インターンシップを終えたばかりでしたが、今回は最前線に立つことは期待していませんでした。 現在、医療チームの助けを借りて病棟の状況は緩和されましたが、流行状況の最前線と毎日の部門のクラスはまだ十分ではなく、スケジュールはしばしば利用できません。


Lin Ziningは現在も病院に入院しており、彼の状態は改善されています。「ただすぐに働き、勤勉な同僚をできるだけ休ませたい」


Cai Yi氏は、病院は最初のバッチの医療スタッフが仕事と休息を変更できるように手配したと述べ、また、物資が十分であり、「戦い続ける」ことを願って支援を続けたいと語った。

彼は、流行後、夕食を食べてビールを飲みたいと思っていることを読んだ。 彼はまた、部門に戻り、痛みの医者としての手術を受けたいと考えています。


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国務院は同意する-重慶の「プーレスト」郡のリストがリリースされました! 重慶の「貧しい郡」とランキングのリスト!
いいね! 国務院の最新の任命-重慶重慶開州の女性CPPCC議長を新たに任命しました
予期しないイベント! 仕事の再開の遅れの通知が再び発行され、州と都市は再開時間を更新します。最新の遅れは3月16日までです!


Why the infection occurred in 1716 health care workers: Inadequate protection in the early days and a surge in patients after the outbreak

Surging news
February 18
Expert recommendation
Open Tencent News View
At that time, even some medical staff did not know about the contagiousness of new coronary pneumonia. A doctor in the psychiatric ward of Youfu Hospital revealed that in mid-December, the hospital had been instructed by a superior to the effect that there was a case of pneumonia near the South China Seafood Market, but it was not atypical pneumonia and no person-to-person transmission was found.
Journalism Representative No. 1
The news is enough for me to focus on
After 15 days of hospitalization, on February 1, 2020, the sun was shining and Huang Huxiang, a doctor at the Huanggang Central Hospital in Hubei, was about to be discharged. He lost some weight, took a bath, changed his clothes, put on a mask, contacted a taxi in the community, and lived in his mother-in-law's vacant room. He was isolated and watched patient films at home.

He had only taken seven days off in the previous year. He said that he had never taken such a long vacation since he was a doctor.

On February 12, like many infected medical staff, Huang Huxiang, who had ended the quarantine, returned to the hospital and re-invested in the treatment of patients with new coronary pneumonia with colleagues.

These patients may include his colleagues and his patients.

On February 14, Zeng Yixin, deputy director of the National Health and Health Commission, revealed at a press conference that, as of 24:00 on February 11, a total of 1,716 medical personnel were reported to have been diagnosed with infections in the country, six of whom died unfortunately.

On the day of the press conference, Liu Fan, a nurse at Wuhan Wuchang Hospital, died of new crown pneumonia infection. Only four days later, on February 18, Liu Zhiming, the director of Wuchang Hospital, died of infection due to new crown pneumonia.

How does healthcare infection occur? Looking back and looking at these, the early "unguarded", surge of patients and relatively insufficient protection and manpower after the outbreak, caused each other to cause and effect, and together brought tragedy.


Beginning in December: Unguarded "person-to-person"

300 meters away from the South China Seafood Market, Wuhan Youfu Hospital was one of the earliest hospitals to receive the new crown virus signal.

On December 12, last year, a vendor from a seafood market came to the clinic. He was unwell and had a high fever. "The director talked a few words and suggested that he go to the next five hospitals or the central hospital," said Wang Lu, a nurse who has worked in Youfu Hospital for four years.

Youfu Hospital is a secondary hospital with psychiatric specialty. Wang Lu told Peng Mei News that because the seafood market is near, merchants like to unload in the parking lot of the hospital. The snakes in the market have come to the hospital. If there is a fever in the merchant, they will come to the hospital first. It's simple, just call it a number, you don't even have to line up. "

Lu Yang, an outpatient doctor at Youfu Hospital, said that during that period, the hospital successively admitted to some "like flu" patients, and doctors were also discussing. "These patients are not uncomfortable or have chest tightness. They are symptoms of fever and cough." Doctors will recommend CT and take a chest radiograph, but many patients are not willing to do CT at once.

At that time, even some medical staff did not know about the contagiousness of new coronary pneumonia. A doctor in the psychiatric ward of Youfu Hospital revealed that in mid-December, the hospital had been instructed by a superior to the effect that there was a case of pneumonia near the South China Seafood Market, but it was not atypical pneumonia and no person-to-person transmission was found.

The circular of Wuhan Municipal Health Commission on December 31 emphasized this point again. The report said that a case search and retrospective investigation related to South China Seafood City was conducted in the city's medical and health institutions, and 27 cases have been found, of which 7 are in serious condition, and the remaining cases are stable and controllable, and 2 cases are expected to improve in the near future. Discharged. The investigation so far has not found any obvious human-to-human transmission and no medical staff infection.

This day is the New Year's Eve, Wang Lu is off work, and according to the plan, she is going to buy hot pot ingredients and ingredients at the South China Seafood Market. Turning to her thoughts, she remembered that the director mentioned "a suspected case appeared in the hospital" during the morning meeting. Her colleagues persuaded in the WeChat group that Wang Lu was worried and eventually returned home early.

No one expected the virus to spread silently. The influx of patients in a short time, but the corresponding hospital protection was slowed by half a beat.

On January 8, 2020, the Third People's Hospital of Hubei Province opened the hot clinic urgently. Previously, Hu Sheng, the doctor in charge of the inpatient department, was temporarily transferred to the clinic as the person in charge.

"In the beginning, they were all Class I protection, wearing a mask." Hu Sheng told Peng Mei News that by mid-January, the problem became serious, and the hospital quickly raised the level of protection.


On January 17, a large number of patients with fever and cough appeared in Youfu Hospital, and the CT results showed abnormal results. "At that time, we all used ordinary medical masks," Wang Lu said. In this secondary hospital, which does not have a hot clinic, the protection level has kept up a bit later.

At the same time, the first doctor appeared suspected to be infected with new coronary pneumonia in Youfu Hospital, alerting doctors and nurses.

The hospital's surgeon Yi Lixin was familiar with this case. "There was no nucleic acid test at the time, and CT was erosive. It progressed quickly in 3-4 days, and clinical symptoms appeared, very typical." Yi Lixin noticed that the situation was critical. "But after reporting, because there was no nucleic acid test, the superior department did not agree with this case."

Lu Yang told reporters that Youfu Hospital applied for a nucleic acid test earlier, but the card was very tight and the test reagents were not available. The first batch of patients confirmed by the nucleic acid test in the hospital did not get the results until the morning of January 23.

Yi Lixin said that fortunately, the hospital responded quickly, and an isolation ward was set up on the 17th, and the Chinese New Year party was stopped on this day. In Lu Yang's memory, on the afternoon of the 17th, the doctors moved the supplies to the quarantine ward of the new building and sterilized on the 18th. The patient was admitted that afternoon.


"We already wore isolation clothing when we went into the respiratory department (isolation ward), and there were goggles at that time. We and the hospital brought it in, and the hospital immediately brought in (protective) materials," Lu Yang recalled.

At that time, one of the criteria proposed by the superior department to investigate the new crown was the history of contact with the South China seafood market. However, Lu Yang found that some patients with no history of exposure also had CT problems. They decided to "cut first and play later" and admitted these patients to the isolation ward.

Yi Lixin revealed that since then, the total number of infections in Youfu Hospital has been around 50. There are no new cases and they are slowly recovering.

After January: Patients surge, no "first line" concept

In January, the number of fever patients in Wuhan Central Hospital, which was close to Youfu Hospital and about 1.5 kilometers from the South China Seafood Market, surged.

Around the 18th, Cai Yi, director of the Department of Pain at the Central Hospital, accepted a patient suspected of having new coronary pneumonia. What made him wonder was that some people had no symptoms at first, but just pain, and after taking CT, he noticed something was wrong. Cai Yi remembered that at that time, everyone did not understand the epidemic situation, and medical staff did not wear masks.

"This patient infected a nurse in the department, and the nurse is still in the hospital," said Cai Yi. "After Dr. Li Wenliang's voice, we initially thought it was a rumor, and some leaders said that. Later, I took one myself. Such patients should report it immediately before they know it is not (rumor). "

Li Wenliang himself, after receiving a patient with "viral pneumonia", developed symptoms of cough and fever and was admitted to the hospital on January 12.

There were more patients and insufficient staff. The next day, Cai Yi closed the department, and all 11 doctors were on the front line. "The tide" was the first word that Cai Yi thought of when a large number of patients appeared. "In those two days, 30 patients were filled up all at once."


"In the early stages of the epidemic, there was no" front line "concept. The hospital (by department) worked as usual, no one provided protection, and the masks were prepared by themselves." Yin Wenxiang, another central hospital doctor who confirmed his infection on the 17th Reporter analysis.

This explains why in the early days, some general departments other than the emergency department and the respiratory department became the hardest hit areas for medical infections. "It really underestimated the infectivity." Lin Zining, a physician at Wuhan First Hospital, also learned that the virus was "sly".

Like ordinary people, Lin Zining, who is unfamiliar with respiratory infectious diseases, also learned in the news that the new crown virus appeared in the South China seafood market. "At the time, I was not very scared. At the beginning of January, I had not heard that the disease was going to die. We usually work The club will wear two layers with ordinary masks, and surgical masks will be worn from around 17 and 18. "

Lin Zining pointed out to surging news reporters that in the first hospital, the infection rate of general department medical staff was higher than that of fever clinics. She believes that this is caused by many patients who did not seek medical treatment because of fever. "For example, his symptoms were first caused by diarrhea. Later, Only to discover that it's not just diarrhea. "

A retrospective study published by Wuhan University Zhongnan Hospital in the medical journal "JAMA" showed that from January 1st to January 28th, 41% (57) of the 138 confirmed patients in the hospital had nosocomial infections, of which 29% (40 Person) for medical staff. Among the infected medical staff, there were 31 medical staff from general departments, accounting for 77.5%.


On January 22, Lin Zining hit himself and continued to cough until he was diagnosed and admitted to the hospital on the 27th. The source of infection she could think of was a patient who had previously consulted. Lin Zining auscultated him and needed to be close. The patient was talking. At that time, ordinary departments did not have protective clothing and goggles, and her "equipment" was only masks, hats, gloves, and gowns.

Two days later, Lin Zining's eyeball conjunctiva began to bleed.

Similar to Lin Zining, Zhou Ning, a cardiovascular physician at the Tongji Hospital's Xinfa District, was accidentally infected.

On January 17, a patient who had symptoms of cardiogenic shock came to the clinic. In view of the pneumonia epidemic at that time, Zhou Ning habitually asked if he had fever and exposure history in the South China seafood market. The patient denied, "But you cannot The patient is so blamed. He was admitted to the hospital with normal temperature and no cough, so we did not raise the level of protection except for the daily protection of masks and hats. "

On January 19, the operation was successfully completed. At the hospital on the 21st, the patient suddenly told the nurse that he had a fever before admission and also went to the South China Seafood Market in early December. "Fearfully, he is a chef and often deals with food from the South China Seafood Market. Live birds and wild animals came out, "Zhou Ning later recalled.

At that time, the epidemic in Wuhan had spread, and Zhou Ning became nervous and began to think about the history of exposure to patients and the risk of exposure. Although he wore a mask during the preoperative conversation on the 18th, he did not maintain a safe distance of 1 meter. Ning once took off his mask and shook hands with him to pay tribute and talk.

Suddenly, Zhou Ning felt guilty and immediately informed her colleagues in the department to monitor her body temperature and strengthen her protection. On January 21, Zhou Ning left the night shift and developed symptoms of fever, nausea, diarrhea, and dizziness. The next day, his blood routine and CT results were highly suspicious, and he began to be isolated at home.

The vagueness of the initial symptoms of patients with new coronary pneumonia caught doctors from different departments by surprise. Until January 20, Zhong Nanshan, the leader of the high-level expert group of the National Health and Medical Commission, said in an interview with CCTV News that the new crown pneumonia is "definitely transmitted from person to person" and clearly exists Infection by medical staff.

On the same day, the National Health and Medical Commission issued Announcement No. 1 to include pneumonia infected with the new coronavirus into the Class B infectious diseases stipulated in the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases, and take preventive and control measures for Class A infectious diseases.

Surging news inquiries found that before this time, the number of medical personnel infected had risen rapidly.

On January 29, the New England Journal of Medicine published a research report written by personnel from China CDC, Hubei CDC and other units. The report analyzed 425 cases of neocoronavirus infections reported to the Chinese Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as of January 23, 2020, and found that there were no medical staff in the confirmed cases that occurred before January 1; and from January 1 to 11, Between January and January, medical personnel accounted for 3% of confirmed patients; after January 12, the proportion increased to 7%.

As of February 14, a large number of 278 infected medical personnel announced by the China Red Cross Foundation's Byte Beat Medical Workers Humanitarian Relief Fund funding list were diagnosed with infection after 18 days, and the number of confirmed patients after February 5 decline.



278 infected doctors and nurses, distribution of hospitals; Data source: China Red Cross Foundation Byte Beat Medical Workers Humanitarian Relief Fund Funding List (as of February 14) Cartography: Lan Zeqi

On the New Year's Eve on January 24, Zhou Ning appeared on the fourth day with suspected symptoms. Because he hadn't had Chinese New Year's Eve dinner with his parents for 10 years of work and study, in order to keep their parents ’heart away, Zhou Ning wore a double-layered mask. Sitting at the dining table, keeping a safe distance of one meter, "looking" at a large table, the chopsticks did not move.

Zhou Ning later stated on his public account:

Under the smile of holding back tears, I know how uncomfortable and worried my parents should be.


Whenever I go home and dance to tell them which patient I have rescued today, whenever I have published a paper, won a trophy, received praise, and when I cried and laughed back to the soil eggs sent by the patients, their faces There is always a smile on the flowers.

But more often, I bring them not glory, but endless worry and fear.


I can't expect old people to understand us. As doctors at Tongji Hospital, the tasks we have to undertake are far more than simply seeing a few patients and performing a few operations. Just like the epidemic this time, as a hospital in the eyes of the storm, Tongji is the cornerstone for stabilizing the epidemic, the flagship of calming the army, and the outpost of commanding the battle.

Our mission is destined to be more and heavier.

After "watching" New Year's Eve, I drove back to the quarantine house.

Hard January: Protection of "black holes" and "overload" work

"Transfer on the spot." He Jun is a doctor at a third-level hospital in Wuhan. On the morning of January 17, the hospital met to announce the reorganization of the department. On the afternoon of the same day, He Jun entered the newly established second department of infection.

The number of patients has only continued to increase, and the "front line" has been continuously expanded-which means more and more designated hospitals, temporarily renovated wards, and urgently trained medical staff in various departments.

But Wuhan's original infectious disease protection resources were limited. Zhu Cheng, a nurse who has worked in the Department of Critical Care Medicine, Nanjing Road District, Wuhan Central Hospital for nearly 11 years, analyzes that this is the reason why some designated hospitals cannot accept patients. "There are not many hospitals set up according to the standards of infectious wards, except for Jinyintan. Hospitals and pulmonary hospitals, and other hospitals' temporary remodeled wards may not be up to standard. "

On the evening of New Year's Eve on January 24, He Jun has been spinning for a week, sleeping 2-3 hours a day, and there are 350-370 outpatients a day at most. Lying on the sofa outside the ward, He Jun revealed many days of worry to the surging news, his voice hoarse: in the hospital, he transported the critically ill patients to the isolation ward with a stretcher and a wheelchair. There was no special elevator. Only through the medical care channel, it was difficult to keep up with disinfection .

The setting of the respiratory infectious ward follows the principle of "three zones and two channels", that is, two channels that separate the clean area, buffer zone, and polluted area from doctors and patients. At some emergency moments, these boundaries are not clear, exposing cross-infection in hospitals. Hidden danger.

Wu Yue, an emergency department nurse at a third-tier Chinese medicine hospital in Wuhan, also mentioned in an interview with Surging News on the 24th that her emergency department did not have the corresponding isolation conditions at that time. The patients with dark pressure gathered and "the suspected patients were walking freely. Go. "At that time, the department's protection was only surgical gowns, which were limited in number and could only be worn by medical staff who provided rescue.

Wu Yue revealed that after the New Year's Day, the hospital announced the transmission of the new crown virus virus, "but photographs, recordings, and external transmissions are not allowed." Even so, supplies were not immediately available.

It was during the same period that protective supplies began to visibly panic.

On January 23, eight hospitals including Hubei Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Wuhan Union Medical College Hospital, Wuhan University Central South Hospital, Wuhan Central Hospital, Wuhan No. 1 Hospital, Wuhan No. 3 Hospital successively issued announcements calling on the society to donate N95 masks, Protective clothing and other supplies.

"Save, save more, you can wear half an hour for half an hour ..." The head nurse urged He Jun. It is difficult for He Jun to take into account the time limit for protective clothing to be replaced within 4 hours. Generally, protective clothing is assigned to more urgently needed medical care. "Nurses infusion of patients, close contact are more dangerous; some doctors who intubate patients also "Put it on first to prevent the patient from spitting out secretions," he said.

He Jun went home to take a bath the next day. After all the clothes were dried, he baked on the fire. "The virus is afraid of heat." He came out of the bathroom and immediately took two tablets. Can't sleep, but he has to fall asleep, otherwise his immunity cannot be guaranteed.

The epidemic is spreading, hospital staffing is tight, and medical staff are often overloaded. On January 5, Huang Huxiang, a doctor at Huanggang Central Hospital, accepted the first fever patient in the respiratory department. Around January 15, the central hospital was designated as a designated hospital, and the number of patients increased every day.

Huang Huxiang thought back and forth that during that period, there were many patients, who might accidentally come into contact with infected patients, often work overtime, and their immunity also declined. Before Huang Huxiang was infected, 2 nurses and 1 doctor were infected among the 24 medical staff in the department.

Guo Qin, a nurse at the Emergency Center of Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University, also recalled that she might have insufficient immunity when infected.

In early January, it was the high incidence of influenza and heart and brain diseases. On January 6, a serious patient in his 50s came to the hospital. Guo Qin participated in the emergency rescue. The following week, she came in contact with four or five patients who were later diagnosed with new coronary pneumonia. At that time, she worked ten hours a day and could only sleep four or five hours, feeling very tired.

Guo Qin became the first infected medical staff in Zhongnan Hospital. On January 13, the first night of hospitalization, Guo Qin stayed up all night. In my ears, the sound of the stroller walking around, the sound of the monitoring equipment, and the hurried footsteps of the nurse.

Peng Zhiyong, director of the Department of Critical Care Medicine, Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University, told the surging news reporter that after Guo Qin's infection, the hospital began to attach great importance to protective measures. Personnel are also back to back when eating, about a meter or two away from each other. "


Late January to February: "Still up", "Support comes"

In the impression, Lin Zining only knew that she was the first batch of fallen medical care in the first hospital, and her colleagues had been infected before her. Lin Zining recalled that after setting up a fever clinic on the 20th, Wuhan No. 1 Hospital distributed protective clothing and goggles in the fever clinic and fever ward. "It is basically guaranteed, but other departments may not be able to keep up."

Since her diagnosis and hospitalization on January 27, her condition has been repeated, but more often, she does not think of herself. "It's so hard to look at my front-line colleagues every day," said Lin Zining. She now wears a mask every day. As long as the medical staff comes in, even if she is eating, she must wear the masks, because they are also infected .

The protection level of each hospital is gradually reaching the standard, and the shortage of materials is still the most headache.

After the first announcement of a material shortage on the 23rd, Wuhan First Hospital again called for assistance on January 26 and February 10. These days, the nurses who came for the injection wore masks that did not meet the specifications. Lin Zining asked. They just said, "Oh, it changes every day." They were optimistic and calm, and moved Lin Zining.

Only once did she realize that she was close to death. At about 5am one morning, she felt weak, lack of oxygen, and stumbled to sleep, but did not hear that the critically ill patient across the bed was pronounced clinically dead. Lin Zining didn't see his face, and didn't know the news until the funeral home came to pick him up.

Lin Zining's constitution is not good. She has asthma. When she has difficulty breathing, she will develop fear in her heart.

A partner of He Jun received sore and fever on the first day of the department's establishment. He was suffering from soreness and fever. He was diagnosed with neo-coronary pneumonia. Some patients died, and he "made up" a bed.

For a month, protective supplies at his hospital remained in short supply. At the beginning of February, the protective clothing of the department was exhausted, and the medical staff could only enter the intensive care unit with a blue gown.

On February 9th, He Jun was also infected. He sent a CT report to the reporter, "see the doctor himself." On the notebook, he wrote down the drugs to be taken next and opened a hanging bottle for himself.

On February 16th, the surging news visited Wu Yue. She was also diagnosed with new crown pneumonia and was hospitalized in early February. "Before CT, the ground glass of the lungs was still rising," Wu Yue told Surging News.

She used hormonal treatment for 14 days. "The toes and ankles on the back of the foot hurt, and I moved a little at night and kept sweating. I changed my clothes in the morning and rubbed them. My breath couldn't keep up and I had to breathe. Oxygen, lie down for a long time before you can come over. "

"Wuhan's frontline medical staff still has a large gap". On February 11, the "Health Hubei" company operated by the Hubei Health and Family Planning Publicity and Education Center announced the announcement of donations for 25 hospitals in Wuhan.

At that time, the remaining supplies of Wuhan Central Hospital were countless, and medical care could only add a surgical mask on top of the industrial N95 mask. "The surgical mask is waterproof and resistant to liquid splashing. The industrial N95 can only prevent oily particles and haze," said Huang Lei, a doctor in charge of material contact at the Central Hospital.

"Medical N95 masks are very few. We send 200 or 300 masks a day, and 4,000 are needed. Why is it enough? We need to send out 2300 sets of protective clothing every day. We need a 10-day volume, so we need to prepare at least 20,000 sets of protective clothing. 40,000 masks must be prepared. "Huang Lei told Surging News on February 11 that her phone was" blasted "recently," We are also receiving donations from the people, but the consumption is too large, and the amount of qualified assets is itself It's not high, it's definitely not enough. "


A list of material needs obtained by Wuhan Provincial Central Hospital shows that from the daily consumption of protective supplies, 2280 pieces of medical protective clothing, 4560 pieces of N95 masks, 4560 pieces of disposable gowns, and 2280 pieces of medical protective boots Double, 2280 protective screens.

On February 17, Hu Xiaosong, a doctor in charge of material liaison at the Central Hospital, told reporters that the situation of materials has improved somewhat, and government-directed donations and private donations have increased. "But N95 masks are still lacking. Surgical masks and gowns for frontline medical staff It can be guaranteed. "

Over the past month, at least 150 staff members of the central hospital have been diagnosed or suspected to be infected with new coronary pneumonia, and the two central hospital doctors interviewed confirmed this number to Surging News.

"Houhu Hospital District is on the 19th to 21st floors. Half of the wards on each floor are staff of the hospital. Each half of the wards has 47 beds, excluding those who are not hospitalized for mild cases." Another central hospital infected with the new crown virus. Doctor Yin Wen from Houhu Hospital told Surging News.

Several central hospital doctors confirmed that three doctors in the department of ophthalmology, cardiothoracic surgery, and urology, one were on a ventilator, and two were living on ECMO (artificial lung). Zhu Cheng, a nurse in the ICU, did not expect that the oldest colleague would be sent in.

Infection by medical staff further exacerbated the shortage of manpower. Cai Yi has seen the head nurse crying, "She is not infected. It is infected by the people under her. In fact, she has been coughing, but her lungs are not infected. . "

After February: "Looking for zero infection by medical staff"

On February 7, Chen Xiang was under great pressure when he set off for Wuhan with the fourth batch of medical teams to assist Hubei. "We all hope that the medical staff will have zero infection."

Chen Xiang is a physician in the sensation department of Shanghai Zhongshan Hospital. The sense of hospital is to effectively control the infection that occurs in the hospital. The medical infections in the epidemic brought the neglected hospital sense problem to the surface. This time, professional hospital sense doctors have been added to the medical teams in Wuhan.

On weekdays, most of the work in the hospital's sensory department is to prevent cross-infection caused by long-term hospitalization. In terms of medical staff, the hospital's sensory department will pay attention to the contact prevention and aseptic operation of doctors and nurses when nursing patients. The infectious diseases of the hospital are surrounded by confirmed infectious patients, "Chen Xiang told Surging News.

During the training, she could feel the importance that the medical staff in the team attached to protection. "Everyone wearing protective clothing will help to see if it is right or not," which made her feel relieved.

Most of the members are young, have not experienced SARS in 2003, and have little experience in infection prevention and control-some doctors and nurses feel that one layer of mask is not safe enough, so they wear two layers. "This is not possible, and it will definitely be misplaced with the activity or Moving, leaking air is equivalent to wearing white. "Some medical care wear goggles outside protective clothing." After removing the goggles, the eyes are not protected when the protective clothing is removed. "

Chen Xiang introduced that infection prevention and control is a complete set of procedures. After arriving in Wuhan, she was the first to invest in the protection of medical staff living in hotels and commuting buses. Sensing measures include disinfection, avoiding personnel contact, and so on.

After arriving at the East Hospital of the People's Hospital of Wuhan University, she also witnessed the lag in the local hardware conditions. Many ordinary wards are temporarily set up, and the areas cannot be completely sealed. In theory, there are two separate areas from the clean area to the polluted area. Buffer zone, but there is only one in the hospital. When someone puts on and takes off protective clothing, there are others who come in and go out. The risks are heavy.


Chen Xiang only improved from the most original method: tape the gap between the door and the door, and ask to knock before entering the buffer zone ...

There are also difficulties in practice. In contaminated areas, working for long periods of time, wearing protective clothing, breathing can be boring, and physical strength is too much, some medical staff will rush to take off; in actual work, it is usually taken off alone, there is no way to monitor and supervise each other. The more risky links need to be carefully detailed to ensure safety.

Chen Xiang temporarily went to the furniture store and bought a full-length mirror in the buffer zone, so that the doctors and nurses can slowly operate the mirror. The hospital also arranged the head nurse and specialized sensory nurses to cooperate with the supervision. Chen Xiang knows that infection control lies in controlling every risk in the details, "managing the sky and the air," she jokes like a hospital-like job. "Precise and scientific protection is also important. Areas, surgical masks and work clothes are generally required. "

The medical team took part of the supplies to take over the ward, alleviating the shortage of supplies, but it was still necessary. Every day, Chen Xiang will receive protective clothing of different standards from the medical staff. She will review them one by one. In addition to checking the test report, she will also need to check whether the packaging is damaged and whether the use period has expired.

Initially, there was a shortage of supplies. When she and the medical team first arrived, she replaced the medical garbage bag with a thick shoe cover without thick shoes. If she did not have a N95 mask, she would wear an industrial mask and a surgical mask outside. The effect would be better.

It is difficult for her to determine the source of the infection of a large number of medical staff before, "especially for this respiratory-borne disease, a little leak may be infected." This makes Chen Xiang feel uncomfortable. "Every number It's heartbreaking for me, it's all our comrades-in-arms, and we might become one of them. "

Looking back at the 2003 SARS epidemic, medical staff infections were more frequent in the early stages of the epidemic. After receiving a suspected SARS patient on March 15, 2003, Peking University Affiliated People's Hospital did not take strict control measures until 93 medical infections. On April 24, the entire hospital was isolated; At Tangshan Hospital, none of the 1,383 medical staff involved in treatment and care were infected.

"Compared with the SARS period, we have made great progress in attaching importance to the sense of hospitality," said Chen Xiang. "In theory, as long as protection is provided, medical personnel can be guaranteed not to be infected."

Today, Chen Xiang is most afraid that members of the medical team will gradually become numb after working long hours, and some details will be loose. She sends messages in the group every day, tells the main points of sensory control, measures body temperature, reminds uncomfortable medical staff to report in time, and rests first.

At present, the 136 members of the medical team are not infected. She is ready for a long-term battle and can finally bring the members home safely. "This is my mission."


On February 1, Zhou Ning was cured. He was isolated until February 9 and returned to work in the Guanggu District of Tongji Hospital. Zhou Ning said that the hospital's protective measures were strengthened in the later period, and the number of medical infections gradually decreased.

The latest study published in the Chinese Journal of Epidemiology by the Epidemiology Group of the New Coronavirus Pneumonia Emergency Response Mechanism of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention shows that, as of February 11, 422 medical institutions providing diagnosis and treatment services for patients with new coronary pneumonia In total, 3019 medical staff were infected with the new coronavirus. Among them, the rate of severe illness among medical staff infected with new coronary pneumonia in Wuhan gradually decreased from a maximum of 38.9% during the period from January 1st to 10th, and to 12.7% in early February.

Jiao Yahui, deputy director of the State Administration of Health and Medical Care Administration explained in the interview that the infection data released by the CDC for medical staff come from the direct reporting system, which only displays the identity of the infected cases and whether they are infected. Among the more than 3,000 people mentioned above, some medical staff were infected with the new crown pneumonia virus at the hospital and on the job, and some medical staff may be infected with the new crown pneumonia virus at home or in the community.

At the same time as hospital protection is strengthened, reinforcements are also being strengthened. From New Year's Eve on January 24 to February 15, hospitals at all levels across the country sent a total of 203 medical teams and 25,424 medical team members to support Wuhan.

When he was isolated at home, Zhou Ning flashed memories in his mind. He had just finished the clinical internship in SARS in 2003, but did not expect to be on the front line this time. Now, with the help of the medical team, the situation in the ward has eased. However, the frontline of the epidemic situation and the daily department classes are still not enough, and the schedules are often not available.

Chen Xiang also felt that there was a shortage of nurses or cleaning staff in the hospital, and the nurses were responsible for sanitation and disinfection, as well as the patient's personal care. This led to a very heavy workload for the nurses, which she did not expect before coming to Wuhan.

Lin Zining is still hospitalized in the hospital, and his condition is improving. "I just want to work quickly and let my hard-working colleagues rest as much as possible."

Wu Yue is concerned about the quality of life and work-related injury determination after recovery. She expects to be able to work in a healthy position after she is discharged from the hospital.

Cai Yi said that the hospital has arranged for the first batch of medical staff to change jobs and rest. He also wants to continue to support, hoping that the supplies will be sufficient and "continue to fight."

He read that after the epidemic, he would most like to have supper and drink beer. Wuhan citizens like to eat and drink. He also wants to go back to the department and have an operation as a pain doctor.

(Wang Lu, Yi Lixin, Lu Yang, Lin Zining, Zhu Cheng, He Jun, Wu Yue, Yin Wen are pseudonyms)

This article comes from Tencent News
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